Freedom Folks

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Who Voted Mexico into Congress?

The Mexican government slammed the U.S. Congress for approving an immigration bill that would tighten border controls and make it harder for undocumented immigrants to get jobs.
Read the entire article here.

"The government of Mexico ... believes that a reform which only considers security measures will not contribute to a better, more integral bilateral management of migration issues," the Foreign Relations department said in a statement.

"...a better, more integral bilateral management of migration issues?" Since when is illegal immigration integral OR bilateral?

Integral: Essential or necessary for completeness.
Bilateral: Affecting or undertaken by two sides equally.

And since when does the Mexican government have a say in what laws do and do not get passed by the American government? Did I miss a memo about Mexico gaining statehood?

A tip for the Mexican Foreign Relations department: PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE.

Mexico argues existing barriers built along heavily crossed sections of the border have not stopped migrants from crossing, rather have pushed them through more desolate, dangerous areas.

I don't give a crap if people attempting to enter the country illegally have to navigate "more desolate, dangerous areas." As a matter of fact, it sounds pretty damn good to me. They're not supposed to be coming in the first place. Hence the word ILLEGAL in the term ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall."
There's no tendency to criminalize it -- ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is, by definition, a criminal act! And the Berlin Wall is a bogus comparison. If you can't make a distinction between the Berlin Wall and a wall built to keep people from blatantly violating one country's laws in order to enter illegally, you've got a screw loose.

I feel like a freakin' broken record. ILLEGAL immigration is ILLEGAL. What part of illegal do these people not understand?

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