Freedom Folks

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Samuel Alito & The Abortion Debate

I haven't weighed in on this at all.

Our friendly neighborhood troll challenged me recently to stop blathering on about ILLEGAL immigration and talk about something important like Abortion.

The level of hysteria is high...




I feel a temptation to get wound up into flights of rhetorical fancy. Tie those who support the heinous dismembering of babies into knots of Gordian logic.

But alas, there's truly nothing to debate here.

Abortion is murder most heinous. Dress it up any way you want, it don't get any prettier. Just to cover some well trod ground, whether you call it -- choice, a health issue, a right...

What you end up with is this. (NSFW or your mental health, however, if you support abortion and won't look at these photos I call you a dishonest coward)

If you can look at these and still go on your merry way, well, that scares me more than a little bit, and I write horror!

I along with a lot of Americans am ready to see abortion go away. I hate it. I hate the cost that's so glibly glossed over by supporters, the cost to the women, who, whether they'll admit it or not grieve for the murdered child the rest of their days.

I've made this point before but I think it bears repeating. In ancient Rome there was a law called the Pater Familia. The basic idea was that dear old Dad held the right of life or death over his entire family. Should you displease Dad he could kill you.

I need someone to explain the difference to me 'cuz I don't see it. I know the bearers of hairy armpits would say..."That Roman law is just male hegemony and typical male power structures run amok."

Yet, who wields that kind of power over life and death today?

One other thing. The whole when does it become life argument. Allow me to dismantle that in three sentences or less. It's the moment there's cellular activity you asshats, what? did you think when the cells started dividing there was a chance a sofa set might pop out of the nice ladies uterus?

Please...Its just insulting, and for the scientists who've tried to buttress this ridiculous argument, look, I know research scientists require porsches and arm candy, but couldn't you invent a new pee-pee hardening drug or something?


h/t SleepyGeek via Euphoric reality

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