Freedom Folks

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Krauthammer Speaks Plainly About Iran...

...and, alas, I think he's absolutely right.

"It was what made this E.U. Three approach so successful. They [Britain, France and Germany] stood together and they had one uniform position."
-- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jan. 13

Makes you want to weep. One day earlier, Britain, France and Germany admitted that their two years of talks to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program had collapsed. The Iranians had broken the seals on their nuclear facilities and were resuming activity in defiance of their pledges to the "E.U. Three." This negotiating exercise, designed as an alternative to the U.S. approach of imposing sanctions on Iran for its violations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, had proved entirely futile. If anything, the two-year hiatus gave Iran time to harden its nuclear facilities against bombardment, acquire new antiaircraft capacities and clandestinely advance its program.
Having "one uniform position" is terrific, unless that position is going down with a sinking ship. Then it pretty much sucks.

It all comes back to oil. Everyone is petrified when someone who's got it waves it around like a loaded gun in a crowded school cafeteria.

The only sanctions that might conceivably have any effect would be a boycott of Iranian oil. No one is even talking about that, because no one can bear the thought of the oil shock that would follow, taking 4.2 million barrels a day off the market, from a total output of about 84 million barrels.
Of course, we've got oil. And politicians who desperately don't want us to use that resource. Because God forbid we should ever take the wind out of the sails of a country like Iran. God forbid we should be able to look a crazy, Israel-hatin', U.N. vision-havin', bring-on-the-apocalypse leader like Ahmadinejad in the eye and say SCREW YOU.

Now, now...we can't have that.

As seen @ Michelle Malkin.
