Tex-Mex Indoctrination
Source: ktrh
There has been some controversy over a Texas school and the Mexican pledge of allegiance...
After parents in Freeport expressed outrage over a Velasco Elementary School assembly last month, KTRH News has obtained a video that answers some questions about what really happened.Watch video here and here.
Whether students also recited the Mexican pledge remains a point of contention.
Several parents have told KTRH News that students were saying the pledge, while Brazosport Independent School District officials say that did not happen.
The assembly was meant to teach children about Mexican Independence Day, school district officials said. The holiday is celebrated Sept. 16 to mark the day Mexico won independence from Spain.
To me this looks like indoctrination, why are we asking American kids to wave Mexican flags and recite the Mexican pledge? And when I watched the video I thought you could plainly hear children reciting it along with the speaker.
I think this dad gets it exactly right...
The father of a third-grader at Velasco, who wished to remain anonymous, said Tuesday that some students surrounding him at the assembly were saying the pledge. “I was telling them you don't have to stand for the pledge of allegiance to the Mexican flag," he said. He noted that only some students — not all — were reciting the pledge.Like that!
"That's treason ... you're not supposed to say the pledge of allegiance to any flag other than the American and Texas flags," the father added. "It broke my heart to see the kids doing that.”
H/T Mike
Technorati Tags: mexican pledge of allegiance, texas, freeport, treason
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