Freedom Folks

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The New Americans?

New Americans

This is a phrase that gets thrown around lot these days. Politicians use it to describe those who have jumped the border and entered the country illegally. I think the term is supposed to tap into our national love and reverence for immigrants and all the good they bring this nation and make us forget thier describing illegal aliens.

And I tend to agree with that, controlled 'legal' immigration has brought this country many benefits. However, you can have too much, even of a good thing.

New Americans, but are they?

I love Americans, doesn't matter to me where thier from, where they were born, if they have an accent. I don't care. I love Americans and anyone who wants to become American.

Like any other culture we can identify those who are part of our national family. You just can, I can tell an American by how he or she walks. Through thier posture, clothes, and accent of course.

But now we have the New Americans and here's my problem...I don't think they want to be New Americans.

In my neighborhood, which is primarily Hispanic in equal parts mixed between Puerto Rican and Mexican residents. I notice a major difference between the Puerto Ricans and the Mexicans. On festival days both groups bring out the flags of thier respective homelands and drive around waving them out their car windows and beeping thier car horns while consuming mass amounts of alcohol and roasting large chunks of meat on thier grills.

So far - so good, but here's the difference and to me it's a big one. When the Puerto Ricans celebrate this way thier flags are always paired with an American flag. When the Mexicans do the same thing I almost never see an American flag.

Why is that?

Mj & I are constantly accused of being racists, primarily because of our membership in the Minutemen project. I have to laugh when I hear this charge leveled, one of the reasons we love living in a big city is the diversity of cultures and people's you find. The flip side is we see the cultures up close and sometimes we are left with questions, not the questions of somebody who never deals with these folks, rather the questions that arise out of sheer observation.

Why do the current crop of Mexican immigrants seem to hold this nation in contempt?

I have a thought, when we refuse to treat American citizenship as though it were a precious thing we cheapen it in the eyes of those who come here illegally. If we allow jack-ass lawyers to tie us up in knots and create this rather silly idea that it's a right for any person in the world to be an American citizen. That it's a right to break our laws and remain in the country if your here illegally. That it's a right to receive free education, health care, welfare, food, housing when your not a citizen.

How can we expect illegal aliens to have anything other than contempt for a country that lacks the national will to control it's own borders?

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