Freedom Folks

Sunday, December 11, 2005

New Science Frontiers

This just in: Those pants you just bought will probably kill you!

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Those stain-resistant khakis you just picked up at the mall, the tennis ball that holds its bounce longer and sunscreen that's clear instead of white have something in common — nanotechnology.
Scientists manipulating matter at the molecular level have improved on hundreds of everyday products in recent years and are promising dramatic breakthroughs in medicine and other industries as billions of dollars a year are pumped into the nascent sector.
But relatively little is known about the potential health and environmental effects
of the tiny particles — just atoms wide and small enough to easily penetrate
cells in lungs, brains and other organs. While governments and businesses
have begun pumping millions of dollars into researching such effects, scientists
and others say nowhere near enough is being spent to determine whether
nanomaterials pose a danger to human health.

Just when you thought health hysteria had peaked...

I never thought I would live long enough to see killer pants.


Of course, the only truly killer pants are this pair of hip huggers I had back in...