Freedom Folks

Friday, December 09, 2005

Environmentalists: Boo-Hoo

This just in: The mean old United States won't kowtow to the enviro-weenies pushing bad junk science.

MONTREAL (Reuters) - Industrialized and developing nations were close to a breakthrough on Friday on a deal to begin work on extending the Kyoto Protocol to fight global warming past 2012, but the United States resisted calls for new commitments to combat climate change. On the final day of the November 28-December 9 U.N. conference on climate change, environmentalists said they were losing hope that the United States -- the largest producer of heat-trapping greenhouse gases -- would sign a separate agreement for all nations, not just Kyoto members
Or, enviro-weenies and thier loopy left supporters have whined, puled and pushed bad science and hysteria to such a degree that most idiot leftists have caved and agreed to injure thier own economies and people to placate and appease these loons.

The fight against climate change AKA the made up crap some scientists and enviro-weenies spew AKA the war on developed nations in favor of less developed ones.

Delegates said U.S. climate negotiator Harlan Watson walked out of a session of talks overnight, saying host Canada's proposal for dialogue on long-term actions was tantamount to entering negotiations. "By walking out of the room, this shows just how willing the U.S. administration is to walk away from a healthy planet and its responsibilities," said Jennifer Morgan, climate change expert for environmental group WWF.

No, Jen, it shows that we're not willing to cave in to raving enviro-weenie lunatics. Props to Harlan Watson, though his name would lead me to believe he's a cappacino breathed weasel he may have possibly shown he's (and by extension, the administration) have a set when facing off against the lunatic left.

I don't know about walking away from a healthy planet, but I'd walk away from an enviro-weenie like yourself, Jen.