Freedom Folks

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Yo Quiero Remittances

There's blood in the water.

MONTERREY, Mexico – President Vicente Fox on Wednesday criticized the United States' decision to strengthen its border security and complete a wall along the two countries common border calling it "disgraceful and shameful."

"This situation we're seeing, a disgraceful and shameful moment where walls are being built, security systems are being reinforced, and human and labor rights are being violated more and more, won't protect the economy of the United States," Fox said.

"Won't protect the economy of the United States." From what Mr. Fox?

Perhaps the overwhelming flood of wage deflating illegals. Nah, too simple.

"It would be hard to know what would happen to the economy of the United States if it wasn't for the enormous contribution, the productivity, the quality of work of our countrymen in that country," Fox said.
I understand, being an executive for Coke doesn't require much in the brains department. Allow me to explain it to you.

Wages will rise. Benefits will improve. American workers will move back into the middle class. Black Americans will suddenly be flooded with opportunites that have up until now been stolen by illegals. American business will be forced to be competitive. Earlier immigrants will have an actual chance to move up the economic ladder. Productivity will rise. Money that pours over our porous border in the form of remittances will be reinvested in America strengthening our economy. Schools will improve. Crime will drop. More money will be available to help Americans. I could go on...

"What the United States needs is a young (work) force, energy, quality, productivity, which is what keeps that economy competitive and the only way it can stop losing jobs to Asia, to China," Fox added.

We cannot compete with slaves, and we shouldn't try. China uses actual slaves, actual slaves! Is this the target we should be competing against? In India small children are sold to pay off debts and work all day for twelve cents. Chew on that when you buy that inexpensive knitted item at target or Wal-mart.

And the true shame is that we encourage a slave culture here in the states. This is not our heritage, nor our true history. We already beat this one before, after the last period of mass migration. It was only when the spigot closed that Americans in large numbers moved into the middle class.

Only. After. The. Spigot. Closed.

You don't fix a leaky faucet while the water's running.

We have spent too many years turning our heads away from the truth of illegal immigration. The truth is that too many illegal aliens live lives of desperation in this the greatest nation on earth. Too many illegal aliens are sexually assaulted, kidnapped, robbed, murdered, treated like serfs, and most of all used as a club to keep Americans from enjoying the fruits of their labor.

I'm not a Communist, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be some sense of fairness in how business is done. Of course businesses like slaves, it's like printing goddamn money. It's a no brainer. But is there not an ethical question here?

If your unfamiliar with the principle allow me to break it down for you. It's called supply and demand. When you flood the market with cheap labor all jobs become devalued. It's an immutable principle, unswayed by terms like racist or xenophobe.

If you turn your head away, if you act like all is well, your consenting with your silence. Actual change could come soon. The last time it took about forty years to break through the wall of arrogance and naked venality that corrupt politicians and businessmen wrapped around our immigration policies.

1965 was the watershed year when our immigration policies radically changed. Forty years, and within two years of the change Americans signalled their displeasure and were ignored by the government. We continue to be ignored by our government.

Vincente Fox is soiling himself because his economy depends on remittances. Remittances are the money Mexicans send home from America. Without that money he'd be in a world of hurt. Not Mexico, him and his corrupt cronies. Every single day that passes without immigration and border reform is a tacit approval of these jokers.

Unlike that sappy movie "A day without a Mexican", I know exactly what will happen to this country without an illegal workforce. I also know that Mr. Fox might find his head on a spike.

And I'll be sad, no really.
h/t Minuteman blog

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