Code Pink Hijacks Brave Moment in History
Check out the before and after photo from Code Pink's website banner over at Michelle Malkin, who found it at Publius Pundit.
I sent the following expression of my feelings on the subject to Code Pink:
I am 100% behind your right to have and freely speak your opinions, just as I appreciate my right to do the same.These chicks give chicks a bad name.
Which is why I was so appalled to see the banner on your website, where you have taken a photo of Iranian women protesting the Islamic leadership of their country and altered it to further your own political agenda. The original photo captured a stirring moment in history when women stood up for their rights in a country where it is far harder to do so than in ours. You insult the bravery of those women by adding your own tinge -- both the message and the pink -- and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I sincerely hope you will take the banner off your website and offer those women a public apology for hijacking their moment of courage.
As seen @ Michelle Malkin
Code Pink
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