Freedom Folks

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cowards & Fools Never Truly Retire

They just keep spewing defeatist pap.

Cronkite: Time for U.S. to Leave Iraq
Well there's a shocker!

"We had an opportunity to say to the world and Iraqis after the hurricane disaster that Mother Nature has not treated us well and we find ourselves missing the amount of money it takes to help these poor people out of their homeless situation and rebuild some of our most important cities in the United States," he said. "Therefore, we are going to have to bring our troops home."
Somebody missed his meds today!

I thought this was interesting...

Cronkite said one of his proudest moments came at the end of a 1968 documentary he made following a visit to Vietnam during the Tet offensive. Urged by his boss to briefly set aside his objectivity to give his view of the situation, Cronkite said the war was unwinnable and that the U.S. should exit.
So let me see if I understand this. Cronkite, who knows precisely dick about the manly arts, decided in all his wisdom that we couldn't win in Vietnam?

I'm certain all the re-educated Vietnamese thank you Mr. Cut & Run Cronkite. I think Mr. Cronkite and Jimmy (I heart peanuts) Carter should be dropped on an island somewhere with no one to pay attention to them.

Let me see if I understand this. Mr. Cronkite, or as I prefer, the Ginormous Cowardly Asshat, made it all up, he made it all up. If you haven't yet enjoyed a refreshing caffienated beverage yet this morning, allow me to explain. The very doofus, "The most trusted sphincter in America" just made it up when he told us the war in Vietnam was unwinnable. I'm sure it was his opinion, as I'm also certain he had precisely zero idea what he was talking about, yeah.

His proudest moment was losing one war and now he's going for two. Amazing this guy doesn't choke on all that gall.

As seen @
The political Teen