Freedom Folks

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

HRC: Too Dumb To Live?

Clinton Says House Run Like 'Plantation'

The House "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," said Clinton, D-N.Y. "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view
has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard."

Yeah Hill, why do you think that might be, hmmmm?

They're called elections toots and you guys have been on a losing streak.

Tell you what, cuz I like ya' kid, when you guys start winning elections you can start proposing legislation. Oh, and it would help if you removed your head from your posterior.

Is this the kind of smarts you get by going to college?

Then I suppose I didn't miss a thing.

Hooked up @
The Political Teen