Freedom Folks

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Latinos Criticize Immigration Bill? Get OUT!

Latinos from across California's Central Valley gathered Saturday afternoon in Fresno to raise awareness of proposed changes to immigration laws and the effect those changes would have on illegal immigrants.
The gathering was to speak out against HR4437, which passed the House in December and comes before the Senate next month.

If passed into law, it would also mandate construction of security fences along the border with Mexico.

That measure, in particular, drew a strong response from those who attended the first meeting of what organizers call ƒl Comiti or the ''We Won't Go'' Committee.
The "We Won't Go" Committee? I'm hoping the federal government will form a "You Can't Stay" Committee.

Organizers told those in attendance that building fences at the border and tightening immigration laws would also create barriers in homes where some family members have legal residency and others don't.

''This would make it a crime to help an illegal immigrant. If you harbored a relative who is here illegally, you could face charges,'' said Delfino Dominguez, through a translator.
Yes. That's right. But I can offer a very simple, 100% effective way to prevent this from happening: DON'T COME ILLEGALLY. And for all those who would whine about the fact that they are already here -- big freakin' deal! If they weren't willing to risk the consequences, they should be here ILLEGALLY.

Blanca Morelos, 35, who became a naturalized citizen five years ago, said those who lack citizenship shouldn't have to live in fear.

''I know a lot of people who have no legal residency that are never doing the wrong things. I see them getting up early and going to work to support their families. If there was a way to do that legally, they would,'' Morelos said.
"...people who have no legal residency that are never doing the wrong things..." except, of course, entering the country ILLEGALLY, living here ILLEGALLY, and working here ILLEGALLY. But OTHER than that...

Dr. Salvador Sandoval of Merced was born to illegal immigrant parents.

He said he is proof that no matter how people come to this country, they can be valuable members of society.

Missing. The. Point.

Of course people can be valuable members of society if they, or their parents, came here illegally.

The question isn't whether they can be valuable members of society -- it's should they.

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