Freedom Folks

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Funny, In A Not Funny Way

From: The Jerusalem Post
Mustafa said Muslims' anger had been fueled by several European newspapers' decisions to reprint the cartoon, which first appeared in a Danish paper in September, and recently by an Italian Cabinet minister's decision to wear a T-shirt showing the cartoons.

Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli's appearance in the shirt was blamed for sparking clashes that killed at least 10 people at an Italian consulate in Libya on Friday. He resigned from his post under pressure Saturday.

Mustafa said the cartoons were reminiscent of attacks on Jews in European publications in the 1930s.

"Now there is a demonization of the Muslim community, so we have to speak up to prevent something like the Holocaust from happening," he said.
Ixnay on the artcoonsay please!

Crap guys they're on to our super secret plan. You know, the one where we force all the poor Muslims to run around and set things on fire and in general act like lunatics, which as we all know (wink-wink) is leading to a Holocaust of Muslims.

Oh yeah, that makes sense!

Then there's this...
"What happened should not have happened," said Younas Yousas, 33, a protester from east London. "Their freedom of speech should be restricted because it hurts our religion. At the end of the day everyone needs to respect others' religions. And we should strive for peace."
I have to issue a language warning here because I don't know how to say what I need to say to ole' Younas Yousas without some cussin'.

Fuck Peace! If the price of peace is the loss of free speech, the price is far too high.

Sorry if that offends you Gonads, I mean Gomer, I mean Younas. I won't live under even the barest pretense of Sharia, not a hint or a whiff, and joker's like this, with an IQ you could serve as a cold cuts tray, living in the West don't give me a warm cuddly feeling, you know what I mean?

Then of course there's this...
Demonstrators carried placards reading "Europe lacks respect for others," and "Don't they teach manners in Denmark?"
This article is just chock-a-block full of zingers. I haven't laughed this hard since Dennis Miller compared Noam Chomsky to a fellating Russian gymnasts' hemorrhoids!

It is becoming more and more clear to me each and every day that a partial lobotomy is a prerequisite for joining the religion of pieces, but allow me to explain slowly.

This isn't about manners, it's about liberty. Something you idjits just don't seem to get. So let me borrow from your earlier Holocaust rantings.

I believe a holocaust against Muslims is entirely within the realm of possibility. And if it comes it will be entirely of your own doing. See, here's the thing, when you guys come into our countries and start suggesting how WE ought to live I get this overwhelming urge to offer a hot steaming cup of STFU and a high speed dose of lead poisoning.


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