Freedom Folks

Monday, February 27, 2006

Let's Not!

Recently while having the misfortune of listening to Michael Medved he expressed scorn for the idea that some wish to erase our borders.

Well as a person who follows border issues closely I can tell you he's not only wrong but laughably wrong, bordering on being a shill for this administration. Feast your eyes on the proof...

From: The Albany Democrat Herald
Consider an open border with Mexico

John Trumbo, the sheriff of Umatilla County, has asked Mexico to pay for the upkeep of inmates from that country who came to the United States illegally. It’s a good occasion once again to address the relationship between the U.S. and our neighbor to the south.

Mexico will not, of course, pay Umatilla County anything. It has no more reason to do so than does any other country whose citizens come to the United States and then get arrested.

In addition, as the Mexican consul general in Oregon properly pointed out, if some Mexican citizens add to the cost of the Pendleton jail, other Mexican citizens also add to the revenue of the government there by working in the economy, earning and spending money and paying taxes. So as far as the county and the state are concerned, the money angle is probably a wash.

Trumbo’s request, though, has indirectly opened another line of inquiry: Why don’t Mexico and the United States cooperate more broadly on a lot of things so that the question of the border would matter less?

We have the North American Free Trade Agreement, which links the economies of the United States, Mexico and Canada. But this arrangement doesn’t seem to extend to the movement of people.

If it did, there would be no such person as an illegal alien from Mexico — or Canada — in the United States. Instead, citizens of each would be free to move from any one of the three countries to one of the others. They could live where they wanted and work wherever they were qualified to work, or where their labor was wanted and needed. In fact, Mexico already allows Americans to come in and stay indefinitely if they can support themselves.

This isn’t such a radical notion. Europe has worked out something like it with the European Union. As far as trade and the movement of people are concerned, borders have disappeared. But the countries themselves continue to exist. Europeans still live in their same old countries and under their same old laws, with some modifications to promote continental unity.

Look at the potential benefits if we did something similar in North America. No more hassling of Hispanics in Oregon. No more building of fences along the border. No more deaths of migrants in the Sonora Desert. No more disputes over whether Oregon and other states should issue driver’s licenses. Reforms in Mexico (we must hope) to raise living standards of those people who now feel their only choice for economic survival is to sneak into the United States.

Sure, there are all kinds of potential pitfalls. But if borders can be erased in a continent that includes economies as diverse as Sweden and Sicily, North America should be able to do the same. (hh)
Okay, let's dismantle this odiforous pile, shall we?

Our intrepid (and anonymous) editor suggests that Mexico rightly shouldn't recompense Umatilla county for incarcerating it's citizens, no more than any other country would for its citizen's who break our laws.

The difference is that no other country sends the volume of illegal immigrants Mexico does. Also no other country finds as many of its citizens in our prison and jail populations (when I worked at a jail outside Denver about half the time not one of the inmates spoke english, they were Mexican to a man)

We then move into a little rap about the joys of NAFTA and learn we can solve this problem by the simple expediency of opening our borders as Europe has done...


Look, I realize our IQ challenged editor couldn't think his way through a fourth grade primer but let me explain why that's a bad, nay hideous idea.

Those countries that are part of the European union have a parity of equality. Their economies are fairly similar, also we have seen in the recent past the problems a large unassimilated population of immigrants can cause in France and now the rest of Europe.

Also, I will ask this question again, who benefits from these trade "agreements" (do you know why they're agreements not treaties? Because treaties would require a 2/3's vote in Congress, something they know they won't get) Cuz I would argue it's not the averge American. Where are all the jobs slick Willy promised? I know I haven't seen them. Rather I have seen more and more jobs disappearing overseas and while I certainly want good things for people across this globe, it shouldn't be at the expense of our own citizenry, and at the instigation of our own government.

We are told that the concepts of offshoring and inshoring and the like are natural phenomonon like a hurricane or an earthquake, so sorry, nothing we can do about it.

I hope I'm not being to delicate here but...BULLSHIT!!!

These are situations that are pure creations and could go away tomorrow. The fact people don't want them to go away hardly means they can't, it merely means they won't. All the difference in the world. Want to stop offshoring? Stop paying companies out of our tax dollars to move jobs overseas, want to stop inshoring? Stop believing "prince of darkness" CEO's when they start whining that American workers are the worst in the world.

It's not complicated folks, we're gettin' shafted and paying for the privilege.n This is akin to the whore paying the John and then the John demands a thank you!

We are then told to consider the upsides of such a borderless future. Hispanics (ILLEGALS natch) would no longer be hassled in Oregon. No more fences along the border. No more questions about providing ILLEGAL aliens with every service rightly held by citizens.

Well, all these things are true. It would solve some problems at the expense of no longer having a country that looks, acts or even pretends to be America anymore.

That okay by you?

Our anonymous editor then softly acknowledges there might be some minor pesky details to work out, but what the hell, they'll have more readers, right?

Even if those readers can no longer afford to buy a newspaper. The only outcome of a polic like this would be the devastation of this country, and that's not overstating by an inch. If anything I'm understating. We would then be part of the greater Mexican States, not something I particularly relish, with all the crime, disease, and just general crap that goalong with being a third world country. Which is what we would be.

We are already becoming one, why is our government and major media trying to speed that process up?

I for one am throwing down a gauntlet. There are certain things you cannot legislate and ask me to respect. The dissolution of my beloved country is one of those things. So here is my promise. Pass a guest worker program I will do everything in my power to subvert, undermine and generally make life difficult for all involved. Pass any sort of amnesty I will never respect the citizenship of any person who came here illegally. Never! I will work for the rest of my life to see those people stripped of that false and dishonest and frankly demeaning citizenship and summarily removed from this country.

And most of all. Any further attempts to remove this countries border will be met with force of arms. If I have to stand on the border myself I will. I will no longer stand by while the dancing pimps in Washington sell out and hand away my country.

I am an American, I used to think I was represented in Washington by fellow Americans. I have come to the sad conclusion that that is no longer true. We are being served by the vilest species of elitists and generally self serving bums. I'm putting you asshats on notice, I'm mad as hell and can't take much more.

Listen up!

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