Freedom Folks

Monday, February 20, 2006

The True Enemy

We Found This Steaming Pile This Morning: From The Rutland Herald

In an opinion editorial entitled "bienvidos" an unnamed and oh so brave member of the Rutland staff serves up this spicy tripe...
The best way to think about the workers as human beings is to imagine that there isn't a U.S.-Mexican border at all. The border is a geopolitical abstraction that ought not to interfere with humane treatment of our new neighbors.

Much of the anti-immigrant fervor that exists in the American Southwest is the result of cultural bias. Residents of Arizona and elsewhere in the region are afraid their world will become Mexicanized. For them Mexican language and culture are a threat.
A "geopolitical abstraction?"

Is this what you get with a J-school diploma? Do these people really hate this country so much?

And I hardly think Vermont is being overrun with illegals like say, the Southwest might be? Let a couple hundred thousand more come and we'll see if our asshat Journo is still whistling such a happy tune. Then again, like Chicago, they'll just hire Hispanics to cover Immigration issues. ;)

As a blue collar guy I am endlessly fascinated by the means and methods our elites attempt to cow us into accepting that we should mildly and meekly accept a post-America, or a trans-National America.

Nope, I'm not buying. If this Cappucino swilling asshat is so enamored of Mexican culture they are welcome to move south of the border. And just for the record, if it makes me a racist to love my country?


H/T The LoneWacko

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