Freedom Folks

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mexican Ads Push Immigration Reform


Source: CBSNews
(AP) Mexico published advertisements in major newspapers in Mexico and in the United States on Monday saying migrants should have the same rights as everyone else and calling it "indispensable" that the two countries reach a migration accord.

Published in English in The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, and in Spanish in leading Mexico City newspapers, the full-page ads coincide with expected U.S. Senate debate on a bill that would extend fences along the U.S.-Mexico border crack down on illegal immigration with law enforcement and the military.

"Acknowledging the sovereign right of each country to regulate the entrance of foreigners, it is indispensable to find a solution for the undocumented population that lives in the United States and contributes to the development of the country, so that people can be fully incorporated into their actual communities, with the same rights and duties," the ad read.
Their "actual communities" appear to be located in mexico, so, I'll be damned we agree!
The ad states that Mexico wants "a far-reaching guest workers scheme" and that "in order for a guest workers program to be viable, Mexico should participate in its design, management, supervision and evaluation."
It appears I don't give one red Baboon's ass what Mexico wants. As to Mexico participating in drafting legislation, isn't that like putting NAMBLA in charge of a nursery?
"Mexico does not promote undocumented migration," it read, adding that Mexico "is committed to fighting all forms of human smuggling and related criminal activities."
I'll let this go with: The Joke Of The Day!
And it called for the creation of a cross-border medical insurance system, while proposing that Mexicans living and working in the United States continue to qualify for pension programs in their native country.
Oh yeah, that's a winning idea! Sure, I trust Mexico (wink-wink).
President Vicente Fox's spokesman Ruben Aguilar said Monday that Mexico published the ads to make the government's views "better known and evaluated by relevant actors who participate in the migration debate."
You know what this shows Ruben? Stupidity knows no borders!

H/T Beyond Borders Blog

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