Freedom Folks

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Scary Stuff

This just in from Connie at The Minuteman Blog
Figures just released from the Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol for the month of February are as follows:

42,837 illegal aliens apprehended
71,519 lbs. marijuana seized
465 stolen vehicles recovered

This is just for this sector for one month.

By their own calculation, the Border Patrol states they are only apprehending 1/4th of the number of illegal aliens that are invading our country each month. That would make the total of illegal aliens 171,336. That equates to 2,056,000 illegal aliens entering this country through the Tucson Sector alone. So the 1.2 million that is quoted as a legitimate number for the entire country is way off base.

Contact your congressmen with these numbers and insist they close our borders. We are truly in a fight for our lives and every American must step up to the plate and make their voices heard.

Go to NumbersUSA and send a fax to your congressmen and let them know they will not have your vote if they approve an amnesty program. We still have a voice, but if we don't use it we will lose it.
This is directy related to the amnesty in the offing and the numbers will rise. At what point can we acknowedge were being invaded and colonized, and let me be perfectly clear about one thing here. I don't give a flying copulate what the motivations of the individual may be anymore. This is an invasion and if we were still something other than an economy, you know, like a country, we would stop it cold.

But we're not so we don't. This is spinning out of control folks and we need to get a handle on it now, note I said we, not our corrupted government, we, the people, need to decide and act to solve this problem. I'm honest enough to admit I'm not sure how exactly but I do have some ideas.

How about you?

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