Freedom Folks

Friday, June 02, 2006

Heart Breaking

Source: ocregister
In a few months, most of Carol Fulton's longtime neighbors will be gone. And in a flash, summer barbecues, Fourth of July parades and baseball games at the East Vine cul-de-sac will become distant memories.

Fulton sits on her front porch, pensive and surveying the neighborhood. It has changed drastically, she says.

The familiar smells and sounds of backyard barbecues are replaced by mariachi music and the honking horn of a shaved-ice cart. Fulton sees unfamiliar cars and people streaming onto the street.

Overcrowding caused by boarding homes - more than two leases on the same property - is an issue that city officials and residents have grappled with for years. *snip*

Orange had deep roots, a city with generations of families where grandparents and parents settled and their children held onto the threads of their childhood.

The neighborhood transformation was subtle at first. *snip*

By the late '80s and early '90s, longtime residents complained about a parking crunch caused by dozens of people crammed into the neighborhood's first boarding house - the big house they called "the Fortress." The city eventually required parking permits, and the problems subsided.

In the late '90s, Fulton caught people peering into her rooms, urinating in her yard and making catcalls at her. *snip*

One by one, Fulton's friends talked of moving. East Vine Avenue had become intolerable, and they didn't want to wait for things to improve. *snip*

Language and cultural barriers also make it difficult for some neighbors to connect. *snip*

During her free time, Fulton helps a neighbor pack for her move out of the county.

"Get out when you can," says her friend. "I'm moving to an American neighborhood." *snip*

She says she is too tired to fight anymore. But she cannot let go of her memories. Fulton, unlike most of the old neighbors, says she's staying for now.

She hopes city officials will listen to her concerns. She says things will get better if the codes are enforced.
This seems like a parable for the entire country. Enforce the law and you fix the problem. It's so not complicated, it's only made complicated because people like the president and John McCain feel we require a slave class in this country.

And this is the result. And this result is marching across our country, new towns are colonized every single day. Pleasant American towns are gettoized for no good reason.

I won't presume to speak for one other person but I think it's high time the American people swept the invaders out once and for all. Our government clearly wants this to keep happening, they want us displaced, I don't know why. What I do know is that we cannot depend on them to protect us from the ongoing invasion.

The time to act decisively was about a decade ago, how much longer before serious violence breaks out?

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