Freedom Folks

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kansas Abortion Records Reveal Unreported Crimes

Source: WND

The attorney general in Kansas has won his courtroom battle over the medical records for dozens of abortions in his state, and says the documents appear to have concealed cases of child rape, illegal late-term abortion, rape by force or fear, incest, child sexual abuse and other crimes.

Attorney General Phil Kline had waged a months-long courtroom battle against the abortion industry, which sought to keep the 90 case records concealed. But the records now are being reviewed by investigators after being forwarded to Kline from a district court judge who edited them to hide the identities of the women involved.


But he noted that state records confirm in 2003 alone, 78 girls under the age of 15 had abortions in Kansas. By law, that amounts to 78 cases of sexual assault on a child, or worse.
I cannot comprehend how anyone can defend not reporting these crimes. Beyond the legal indefensibility of it, how could you sleep at night? The left prides itself in standing up for women...what about children, for God's sake?

Of course, Planned Parenthood must have had a pretty good reason to cover for men who would rape a child -- either literally, or with consent that child cannot legally give -- right?

But it was as if the world fell in, and Kline soon discovered the reason by the opposition was so fierce.

Under federal rules, Planned Parenthood – the abortion industry leader -- must follow state laws regarding abortion, notification and other issues if it is to get tax money each year from American citizens – an estimated $227 million this year alone, Kline said.

So any prosecutor who is looking into situations that potentially could have legal implications, such as late-term abortions that don't meet the specified state guidelines, or those abortions administered on underage girls where no assault report is filed, the industry's reaction is going to be serious because of the potential threat to the cash flow.
Bastards. Bottom-feeding, scum-sucking, worthless, piece of shit bastards.

Go ahead. Ask me what i really think.

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Abortion * Planned Parenthood * Underage Girls * Kansas * Bastards