Freedom Folks

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blog Reax To The Round-ups

From Michelle Malkin...

The New York Times, like many other outlets, runs a large photo of arrested workers' families in tears. Not pictured are any of the hundreds of American victims of illegal alien identity theft whose Social Security numbers were stolen to enable the illegal alien workers to work.

Riehl World View...

Sorry folks, but I think people are being conned into thinking the recent raid was actually an illegal immigration raid in the sense that it is part of a now growing effort to curtail illegal immigration. That was not the point and the details point that out while opening up still another challenge for anti-illegal immigration folks.

La Shawn Barber...

But it’s all for show. Why? Unless the government “cracks down” on employers and give them heavy disincentives to hiring illegal aliens, the whole thing’s meaningless.

Slapstick Politics...

Sen. Ken Salazar called the raids a "clarion call" for reform, which in Democrat terms--and not too few Republican circles means amnesty


Such raids need to be encouraged, but the Bush administration also needs to know that we're on to what is most likely a game they're playing. My original thought was to send a cookie to the White House as a bit of positive enforcement, but that's probably not a good idea.