Freedom Folks

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Dear Mr. & Mz Lefty

This letter is to inform you that you are no longer to use the chickenhawk meme unless you agree to meet certain criteria. Thus far you have had free reign to impugn the characters of anyone you wished with this fallacious screed, well, no more.

Since you choose to be terrorist lovin', cheese eatin' surrender monkey types who seem to be supporting our enemies my demands are simple.

1.) You must support the terrorist group or dictator of your choice for at least two years. I mean physically, not just sittin' around some coffee house reeking of cappucino and bitchin', nope, sorry tiger, you gotta get in the field on this one. (if it's any consolation you can of course work targets close to home)

2.) Should you have any children you must 'send them' to work for the terrorist group or dictator of your choice. It's only fair as you insist on repeating absurdities such as our president should 'send' his daughters into combat. The very least you could do would be to send your children in support of the terrorist group or dictator of your choice. Since you are so madly in love with these folks it will hardly seem like a sacrifice when our soldiers render their lard.

3.) If at all possible, get yourself videotaped in action. It's not that we don't believe you but...

And there you have it.

Of course, should you choose not to honor our little agreement you would leave me no choice but to utilize the new and improved epithet of the right.

The term against which there is no defense or comeback...


Let's get crackin' lefties, there are still plenty of Americans to kill.

As seen @
The Political Teen

Don Surber (this guys trouble people, sure he's talented and good looking, all part of the eeevil)

basil's blog

bRight & Early

Choose Life

Jo's Cafe


Outside The Beltway


Right Wing Nation
