Freedom Folks

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hey! Where Did My ILLEGAL Go?

ILLEGAL. It's the magic disappearing word. You can say it 'til you're blue in the face, and *POOF* it's gone, vanishing quicker than a trough of slop in a pen of hungry hogs.

"A fence at the border...sends a message that America is a nation that is not valuing immigrants." -- Governor Bill Richardson

No, actually, it doesn't, Bill. It sends the message that ILLEGAL immigrants are not welcome. Legal ones can go to a gate in the wall, show legal documentation, and legally enter the country.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman urged his party Thursday to oppose rising anti-immigrant sentiments in the debate over border security and illegal immigration...

Yes, that's right -- the sentiment, like the debate, is about ILLEGAL immigration, Ken.

Anti-immigrant Legislation
This week, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R.4437, an immigration enforcement bill with the goal of classifying any immigrant not in current legal status (and beyond the grace period) as being a criminal.

Isn't "any immigrant not in current legal status," by definition, ILLEGAL? Oopsie! There it goes again! The ILLEGAL somehow managed to slip right out of the title.

I am sick to death of soft-headed, panty-waisted, namby pamby liberals, with their self-satisfied smirks and their self-righteously wagging fingers, taking my perfectly clear, sincerely meant, oh-so-accurate ILLEGAL and dropping it as if I never included it when I said ILLEGAL alien. I could let loose an incredibly loud, unbelievably intense, Edvard-Munch-eat-your-heart-out scream whenever I hear a supposedly unbiased, supposedly professional, supposedly fact-finding so-called "journalist" casually drop the ILLEGAL from the phrase ILLEGAL immigrant, seemingly uncaring of who or what they misquote, misrepresent, misstate or misreport as they toss any remaining vestiges of their journalistic integrity into the murky, swirling, stench-filled depths of the reporting sewer. I've had it with weak-minded, word-mincing, lost-my-backbone politicians who are all too willing to straddle the fence in a short-sighted, self-serving, screw-my-constituents effort to garner the support of a deep-pockets, filthy-rich, ILLEGAL-hiring corporation or an endlessly whining, feel-good, heads-up-their-asses, ILLEGAL-loving organization.

This is America, baby. You're free to misuse, misshape, manhandle, abuse and torture your own words as much as you like. But keep your damn hands of my ILLEGAL.

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