Freedom Folks

Saturday, January 21, 2006

And the Jackass Comment of the Day Award Goes To...

...Paul! He left the following comment on this post.

Em, I thought this blog was supposed to be about freedom? I don't wish to get into an argument or anything but we shouldn't be propogating the idea that freedom is only the right of us Americans. Trouble starts when we emphasize divisions. Our nation was founded by immigrants after all.
Aaaawww, let's get into an argument, shall we?

How in the world did you read my letter to the president and come away thinking I said "that freedom is only the right of us Americans?" The only way that works, logically, is if you deny the fact that this is a sovereign nation with borders and laws.

Freedom always comes with limits and responsibilities. A large part of the way we preserve the wonderful freedoms that are available and protected in this great country is by making and enforcing laws. Some of those laws create a distinction between those who come here to live and work legally, and those who do so ILLEGALLY.

I guess you would say those laws create a division -- I say that those who break those laws cause a division -- and I think we, as citizens and legal residents, are not only permitted, but obligated to "emphasize" it, since those we have elected to represent and look out for us seem to be unwilling to do so.

And thanks so much for informing me that "our nation was founded by immigrants." 'Cause, damn, I keep forgetting that!

Of course, what that has to do with stopping the flood of ILLEGAL aliens that are draining American employment, health care, education, and social services, I haven't a clue.

P.S. Kudos to Paul for leaving his name, but show me the homepage link!