Freedom Folks

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Battle!

This church in Waukegan Illinois was ground zero in the fight against illegal immigration today.
Waukegan recently began enforcing the law, which was a refreshing change of pace, in specific they were citing anyone caught driving without a license or insurance.

Hispanics felt this unfairly targeted them and complained that enforcement of the law was racist. MJ blogged about this here.

So the protest was today, Sunday, a cold, wet, blustery Chicago winter day. MJ & I were among the first to arrive. We'd received an email earlier in the week warning us that it might get ugly today, so we came mentally prepared to be called racists and much worse for standing up for our country.

So you can imagine our delight and surprise when 40-50 patriotic Americans showed up. Proud and determined to stand up for their country. We saw some familiar faces today and had the pleasure of making some new friends as well. We also had the very nice, and yet bizarre experience of meeting someone who knew us from this humble blog who had some very encouraging things to say. Thanks!

What about the opposition you ask?

The people in the foreground are Minutemen. If you take a glance across the street you can see all those who took a stand today for criminals.

That's right boys and girls, not one single individual showed up to taunt us or call us racists for demanding that our government enforce the law.

Let's review...

Patriotic Americans!


Perhaps they all overslept! No wait, maybe they were hung over. No that's not it, maybe they thought they'd melt in the cold rain. Maybe they realized how utterly asinine it was to agitate for lawbreakers, nah, never happen!

One quick comment about the church in general on this issue. Hispanics tend by an overwhelming margin to be Catholic. The Catholic church in America has been fading for decades. The Catholic church has joined with several political groups working to create open borders. Every time an illegal jumps the border the American Catholic church most likely gains a butt in the pew and money, so when they boo-hoo about justice just remember, Que Bono.

Que Bono, who benefits, or follow the money, this is the question a detective asks when solving a crime and this is the question you should be asking whenever a group supports illegal immigration. Such as, oh I don't know...The chamber of commerce. Hmmm, whatever might their motive be? Well it's a mystery to me, but if you figure it out be sure to let me know.

A couple of anecdotes. The cars passing by seemed to support us by a factor of about three to one, though it's not always easy to tell. The response was very encouraging. I was delighted that many, many African Americans were waving and honking. This issue affects all Americans of every color, white, black, or brown and we need to stand together to make this country great again.

Later in the morning a car pulled up with three Latino gentlemen inside. They weren't happy. They took the time to circle around and explain to us that they were the true owners of America and all evil white people need to leave. Another car containing a Hispanic lady who, frankly, could stand a couple of months of rigorous Jenny Craig action yelled out that they weren't leaving. One would assume by "they" she meant illegal aliens.

Ma'am, I got news for you. And I say this with all due deference, yeah, you are leaving. Maybe not today, probably not tomorrow but, Americans are fed up with folks strolling over our Southern border and treating this country like a candy store. Racing over the border to pop out anchor babies that tether you here, and provide you with benefits your own rich countries are too cheap and corrupt to provide.

Tired of politicians treating American citizenship like a commodity to be bought or bartered, or even worse, as though it were of no value at all.

American citizenship is a jewel of precious value, that's why people suffer and risk their lives to come here, why brave men and women have fought and died to preserve it. But when you reduce citizenship to new votes or cheap labor it loses it's luster.

So ma'am, you're leaving, I just don't know when yet.

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