Freedom Folks

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Elites Don't Get It

Morton Kondracke manages to trot out almost every single bogus argument and straw man in this embarrassing article.

I want to focus in on one peculiar section, though please take the time to read it. Most instructional in understanding the enemies bullshit.

Much as he reached out last week to former secretaries of State and Defense on Iraq policy, President Bush should call in his radio talk-show supporters for a frank chat about immigration. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and Laura Ingraham certainly aren't as distinguished as ex-Secretaries James Baker, Madeleine Albright and Robert McNamara, but they are the ones fueling Republican uproar over illegal immigration.
Here's my problem with this tripe. Does he really think conservatives gather 'round the wireless, breathless to hear what marching orders the big boys and girls will issue that day?

I think that's pretty insulting. I listen to some talk radio, and I don't know how to break this to ole' Mortie, but I disagree with them more than I agree. In fact I don't think some of them are all that bright.


Nonsense, the whole point of the deal is to put an issue out to chew on and then MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND. That is the point if you weren't clear on the concept.

The thing Mort doesn't understand is that this issue is bubbling up from the schlubs. This is not a top down issue. Elites support this issue all day long, they be lovin' the slaves. Schlubs, not so much. If these hosts pursued Mort's rather insane idea they'd find themselves pontificating to their fellow members on the unemployment line.

Nice try Mort, thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts.

Wouldn't it be nice if just once, one of these elitist illegal immigration supporters had to compete with illegals for a job?

h/t Lonewacko (bringing us the goodness and an excellent factual fisking of this crap)

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