Freedom Folks

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

From Joe Sixpack - Bubba & the Revenuers (On Tax Cheats and Amnesty … a Parable)

This is from our good pal 'Well Seasoned' who's been contributing over at The Uncooperative Blogger.

I got me a neighbor down here that’s been cheating on his taxes for years … pads a little here, omits a little there if you know what I mean. Nothing big … just a couple hundred worth a year. Well, the revenuers finally caught up with him last year and he’s been fighting them off ever since.

First, he told them he’d been doing it for years so it wasn’t fair to come after him now. He contended it was the IRS’s fault he was breaking the law … by letting him get away with it for so long, they’d created an expectation that he could get away with it forever. They didn’t like that argument and went back and audited a few of his earlier returns … ouch!

Second, he tried the “hey, I got a family and really needed the money” argument. They didn’t buy that one either and slapped him with interest and penalties.

Third, he told them he didn’t have the money to pay the back taxes, much less the interest and penalties. They sent an appraiser to look at his house and pickup truck.

Fourth, he argued that breaking the law was a good thing … he’d spent the money in local businesses and helped the economy. It wasn’t, he said, like he’d buried it in the ground or sent it out of the country. They sent him an eviction notice.

Finally, he asked for … amnesty and forgiveness. They told him “not just no but hell no – you broke the law, Bubba!”.

Now, tell me again why we should give amnesty to illegals currently in our country?

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Good to see you bloggin' Well Seasoned!

h/t The Uncooperative Blogger @ CAII (What is the CAII you ask? Details to follow soon)