Freedom Folks

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm your neighbor and a Minuteman

An Excellent article in the Washington Examiner.

Rank-and-file patriots are getting out of their suburban comfort zone to man the front lines of America's culture war over illegal immigration. On Saturday, at 7 a.m. (29 degrees, thank you), there I was, just another kook among 40-plus people who were carrying such signs as "Control Crime: Secure Our Borders" and "Enforce Our Immigration Laws Now!" in front of Herndon's taxpayer-funded day laborer site, a magnet for illegal aliens.

The controversy over the site has made the formerly sleepy town of Herndon nationally known for its illegal aliens policies - or lack thereof. Reports ranging from The Wall Street Journal to CNN's Lou Dobbs regularly cite local residents explaining their day laborer-connected problems of drunkenness, vandalism, sexual harassment, urinating in the streets, etc.

The local Minutemen and other concerned eccentrics were out again on Saturday protesting politically correct public policy gone goofy. Councilwoman Ann Null was there to show her support, too.

There were no racists or radicals in evidence on the picket line. It turns out that the dreaded Herndon Minutemen are just another community organization mobilized like a neighborhood crime watch group, meeting every week at a local service club. The chapter has grown to 120 members since George Taplin, a software engineer, founded it in late October. The group includes teachers, retired military men, homemakers and a police trainee (indeed, the group at the protest seemed like typical middle-aged/middle-class Virginians). There were no political zealots that I could spot (one wag described himself as a "recovering Republican").

Well done sir!

Read the rest.

h/t The Minuteman National Blog