Freedom Folks

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Are you Now Or Have You Ever Been An...


MJ and I attended a pro-illegal gathering last night. They had come together to fight HR 4437. We arrived a couple of minutes late and after receiving the hand-outs we found seats in the back of the hall. We went on the principle that it's never a bad idea to know what your enemies up to.

I don't have the contact info or links handy, MJ has them and she's in bed, I'll update those later.

The crowd was an interesting mix. About half the crowd were young college age white leftists, you could tell by the serious, slightly constipated look. Others were prosperous Hispanic business folks and a couple of folks an even mix of those who ppeared to have grown up here and some who appeared to have just hopped the border.

The first person to speak was a Hispanic lady who told us that HR 4437 was "mean spirited" "xenophobic" and "horrible". We also learned that this new pro-illegal group would be accepting cash donations. She then welcomed a gentlemen to the dais who fronted some identity group or another and told us he would give us more detail on HR 4437.

After a moment's debate over whether to continue in english or spanish he opted for english and began his presentation. During the course of his talk we learned that all the legislation currently before the Senate was "Racist" "Xenophobic" "Nativist" and of course the ubiquitous "mean spirited." He then went into a little rap about how America is still the most horrible racist country known to man and that all the legislation before the Senate is...I think you get the idea.

He followed these riveting points with a little Marxist rap about how inequitable wealth distibution is in America, though for the life of me I couldn't figure out how flooding the market with millions more of his brethren would address that. of course he was a Marxist so the concept of a free market may have been outside his grasp.

I began to tune him out at or around this point and I had to fight an urge that was coming over me in waves as I heard him fear-mongering the crowd with how horrible this country was that they so desperately want to stay in.

I wanted to stand up, approach the front of the room and ask everyone present...

Are you now, or have you ever been an American?

Because I saw zero Americans in that room, excepting MJ and I. I saw a bunch of race pandering whores, grievance mongering race baiters and general leftist asshats who were beneath my contempt. I have a simple rule I operate under, I only accept criticism of this country from those who want the best for this great land. If you hate this country, well, I for one ain't giving you the time of day, I'm just not. This is my primary problem with the left, I too often don't see any love or respect for this land in their eyes.

It's so bad here? Here's a thought, get the bleep out! If it's such a wonderland where you came from, why'd you come here?

Am I a racist for thinking these thoughts? To be perfectly candid, I no longer care. I am sick unto death of immigrants legal and illegal jumping up and down and explaining to me as though I were stupid that America is such a shithole.

I repeat, if it's so damn bad get the hell out, plenty of Marxist wonderlands out there. I'm sure Hugo Chavez would love to have ya.

MJ and I only made it through about half his talk and there was another speaker yet to go. You know why we had to leave? We were laughing so hard at the ridiculous posturing of the race pandering whore that we figured they'd ask us to go at some point and I didn't want to punch anybody in the face, I bruise easily.

We will be attending an illegal immigrant march this Friday in downtown Chicago. Keep your eyes peeled for the excellent reportage and many pictures to follow as non-citizens arrogantly demand to be treated as citizens. Makes me want to puke, but what you gonna do?

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