Freedom Folks

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Source: Big Lizards

This guys a dilletante, but, shhh..let's listen in.
John is exactly correct about this; and that is precisely why we need to continue such immigration, albeit with more regularization, because we want the wages of unskilled labor to be depressed. We pay too much for it. We pay more than it is worth in a free market.
WTF! And which jobs are these precisely, in fact brainiac why don't you point me in their direction so I can go get me one. As a blue collar guy I'll tell you right now you don't have the foggiest notion of what you're talking about or how a free market works.
Back to immigration. Almost certainly, any form of regularization of what are now illegal aliens will result in higher wages for industries traditionally manned by illegals, including farm labor and hotel workers: a captive workforce is willing to accept less money because they have no choice.

That means some products will cost more. Those prices are artificially depressed right now. On the other hand, other cost factors will decrease: legal immigrants making somewhat more money will be able to afford health insurance, for example, and will not utilize hospital emergency rooms as doctor's offices. They will also begin "migrating" (sorry!) to other types of jobs than picking fruit and cleaning hotels, because they will legally be allowed to do so... and this will actually lower labor costs in manufacturing (unskilled and semiskilled) and the service industries, as John suggested.

But that's good, not bad, for society. Lower wages allow companies in those industries to hire more workers at the same cost, increasing competitiveness. People who currently work at unskilled or semiskilled jobs in "protected" industries will see a real drop in their income. So it goes; that's how capitalism works. Most of them have the option to improve their skills and earn more money.
The reality is the exact opposite. Unrestrained immigration has destroyed and "deskilled" most blue collar work rendering it unfit for most Americans to do. When I started in restaurants you had quite a bit of on the job training, no longer, now these are idjit jobs deskilled to punching a happy clown face on the cash register. This shows an almost gleeful hatred toward blue collar workers and an almost pathological misunderstanding of how a free market actually operates.

Has anyone other than me noticed the number of workers behind the counter at your national foodchains? This is an exceedingly bad thing. Instead of creating decent jobs in which people could learn valuable skills, we create robot jobs. Jobs that are bad for us on so many levels.

These are becoming caste jobs. When I started out it was common to start as a dishwasher, or whatever, and work your way up to managing or owning the establishment. This is almost unheard of these days. Caste jobs are jobs where you cannot realistically move up, and most don't. I do know about my industry and I can tell you without hesitation the person who's going to be a manager these days looks a lot like me, not the "brown" workers. And that's just bullshi'ite!

Unrestrained immigration has artificially distorted wages downward, brutally so. Such that many jobs are no longer available to me. The laws being considered right now will not address this. Why? Because we are no longer willing to enforce our laws. remember IRCA? It had some excellent provisions that were never implemented.

We haven't enforced the law in any serious way for over forty years, are we really going to start now? Magic Eight Ball says...No!

It will also create a three tier system over the two tier system we have now.

Now we have legit jobs and "illegal" jobs. We will be adding a new category, "guest worker" jobs. And I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more fourty year old folks sweeping floors at Mickey D's, Yay! for globalization you asshat.

And now we come to the crux...
The worst thing is for the invisible hand of the free market to be tripped up by the "invisible foot" of government (Milton Friedman's term). To artificially interdict the free flow of capital, labor, and products leads to economic disaster -- as Europe has long since exemplified.

Draconian immigration laws do exactly that: they create artificial labor scarcity, raising wages beyond what the employees are really worth. Laws that criminalize employment (by criminalizing "presence") function exactly as minimum wage laws; they are anticompetitive and anti-capitalist.
I would be very curious to know if this guy is truly an open borders nut (open borders folk are by definition nuts) or what? Because this smells an awful lot like open borders talk which I have a smidge less than no respect for. Yes please let's open the borders and drive all blue collar work out of reach for those who'd like to be blue collar folk.

And! As an extra added bonus let's create a permanent slave class, cuz you know we just be lovin' de slaves in 'Merica! By opening the flood gates wide you idiot with precisely NO sense of history you consign these folks to a couple of extra generations to catch up with America. Nicely played you illiterate boob, nicely played. Don't worry though, I'm sure your lawn will be lovely!

I have no idea if this individual is a white collar, I suspect they are. I'm always amused by the smug superiority that seems to come along with that starchable collar. When you sell out the blue collar folk you sell out what made this country great. It wasn't economists genius, they can't agree on what time it is. He makes Stalinist accusations against any and all who have reasonable questions about our currently insane immigration policies or the lack thereof. Yet when it comes to Stalinism, isn't consigning all blue collar work to a flood of low wage slaves a lot more in line with old Uncle Joe?

I also have a sense that this muddled individual is actually talking about unions. When he mentions protected jobs that's the sense I have and on that we can agree. I've been in three different unions and loathed each one more than the last. However, to blithely rip the rug out from under every blue collar worker and casually state...
But that's good, not bad, for society. Lower wages allow companies in those industries to hire more workers at the same cost, increasing competitiveness. People who currently work at unskilled or semiskilled jobs in "protected" industries will see a real drop in their income. So it goes; that's how capitalism works. Most of them have the option to improve their skills and earn more money.
What if they like what they do, did you know, were you aware Mr. White Collar Asshat that some in a variety of blue collar work enjoy what they do? While you say otherwise, I think you do indeed worship at the shrine of Gordon Gecko and you also seem to have absorbed his moral lessons.

So Mr. White Collar Asshat please allow me to explain how a free market actually works. A market can only be free if it's also correspondingly fair. The reason globalization isn't working, and it's not, is because we pretend there is some sort of parity of equality while we allow our goods to be produced by slaves. Actual slaves which I suppose our one world globalist cheers over his low fat scone and mocha frappucino in the morning just before he beats his gardener for overwatering the azaleas.

When you open the border, or outsource it's actually not a "free market." Nope, it's something else entirely. An unfree market. I realize this is radical talk and I'm probably in physical danger now from the one worlders cult, I'll take my chances. But this idea of racing wages to the bottom and chasing cheap labor all over the globe is not a "free market." It is profoundly un-American as is this individual.

America was built by blue collar labor and the middle class. The middle class, simply put, was built by the cessation of immgration between WWI and the immigration abortion act of 1964. To giggle cheerfully at the destruction of the American blue collar worker and the middle class is to cheer the destruction of America. But you'll have your slaves so there's that, prick!

I won't be visiting this blog again, while I wish it's owner well, I'm sure the slaves keep things tidy whilst he toils away, I cannot wish him success. I do wish folks would pull their heads out of their rumps before they put their thoughts, or the lack thereof out for all to gaze at in repugnance and wonder.

I've thought of a much better analogy! If you run a watch shop and I'm a mugger looking to unload a hot watch, does that mean we're competing in the "free market?"

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