Freedom Folks

Saturday, March 18, 2006


You gotta love a well turned phrase. Mr. Pat Buchanon provides us with this gem...


I love it!

Source: RealClearPolitics
What happened to the ports deal is that Davos World collided with America First and got its clock cleaned. Economic patriotism, which engages the heart, thumped globalism, an intellectual construct of economists and corporatists.

Not to understand this is not to understand America. Though Bush may be an open-borders, free-trade Wilsonian who believes he has a providential mission to democratize the world, America, even when it was 90 percent with him, never bought in. To Middle America, Afghanistan and Iraq were always about punishing the people who did 9/11, not about converting them to Jeffersonian democracy.

What Barnes calls paleo-conservatism is the conservatism of the common man, rooted in tradition and wisdom born of experience. It is not the Big Government, open-borders, free-trade, interventionist, globaloney of the neo-cons and their Rebel in Chief.

Conservatives don't trash their countrymen, even if they think they're wrong. It is slander to say opposition to the Dubai deal exposed some deep, dark strain in the American soul.

The cakewalk crowd doesn't understand America because it doesn't live there. It lives in an ideological world of its own creation, which, as it denies aspects of reality, is forever colliding with reality.

And more collisions are coming.
Couldn't. Agree. More!

Thank you Mr. Buchanon for articulating this excellent point. A large number of Americans are still waiting to see the benefits of globaloney. As we insource, outsource, deskill, and generally put America last in every respect, those who love this country keep waiting for some sort of payoff that never seems to come.

And those who support the globaloney are starting to mutter darkly about how these other countries will threaten us, that we won't like what will happen if we shut off the spigot of globaloney? I got a news flash for you guys: Most of us don't like what's happening now!

I'm not sure it could be worse than what we're already experiencing.

Now we need to harness the same level of passion against illegal immigration!

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