Freedom Folks

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Hijacking of U.S. Immigration Policy

Who, exactly, is making U.S. immigration policy these days? That's what this citizen would like to know.

As The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary prepares to tackle immigration reform again this week, up for discussion is a bill proposed by the committee's chairman, Arlen Specter, who doesn't even list immigration as an issue on his website. NumbersUSA has a side-by-side comparison of Specter's bill vs. HR4437, which passed the House in December, here.

In the "Homeland Security" portion of his website, Specter states that he is against illegal immigration. Yet his bill provides for a massive amnesty in the form of a guest worker program for the millions of illegal aliens who have already broken our laws to be here.

It seems to me that would put these people...
...who marched on Chicago last Friday to demand legalization, in charge of our immigration policy.

Here's another thing this citizen would like to know: since when do hordes of people who came, stay and work in America ILLEGALLY get to decide our immigration policy?

We elect government officials to represent us -- the citizens -- not the millions of people the government has allowed to invade this country. Yet there they were on Friday, pandering to 100,00+ ILLEGAL aliens and their supporters, talking about "immigrants" as one big, wonderful group as if it makes no difference whether they respected this country by obeying its laws, or spat on it by wilfully breaking them, to get here.

Richard Daley, my mayor.

Rod Blagojevich, my governor.

Luis Gutierrez, my congressman.

And let's not forget Dick Durbin, my senator, who -- you guessed it -- also sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A note to those who were elected to look out for me, my fellow Chicagoans, my fellow Illinoisians, and my fellow Americans: an immigrant is a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. Who that does and does not include is supposed to be decided by intelligent, moral officials who have been entrusted by the people to make and enforce laws that are in the best interests of this country's citizens.

The bad news? I'm stuck with you instead. For now.

The good news? There is always another election around the corner.

Because I will work ceaselessly to make sure that my next elected officials will be ones with the moral fiber, backbone, and integrity to stand up to those who would hijack our immigration policy, and tell them that we do not negotiate with terrorists.

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