Freedom Folks

Sunday, March 26, 2006

When Stupid People Write...

Source: Instapundit
I saw the rally in Chicago about a week ago. Got caught up in it in the Loop at lunch.

What struck me was that it was a very pro-America rally. Here there, a Mexican flag, quite a few anti-Sensenbrenner signs, but mainly American flags signs, carried by a lot of young middle-aged men women. There were a number of kids, I had the feeling that many of the marchers were family groups.

Right now, these people are positive about our country, and are interested in being Americans. I hope we have the sense to go with that, rather than subvert it, because at some point, I fear that they might decide that if they can't be Americans, they'll just have to be Mexicans. But not in Mexico.
We also attended that rally, though our impressions were wildly different from this individuals.





I want to really hone in on that last paragraph as this is something that's really been eating at me lately...
Right now, these people are positive about our country, and are interested in being Americans. I hope we have the sense to go with that, rather than subvert it, because at some point, I fear that they might decide that if they can't be Americans, they'll just have to be Mexicans. But not in Mexico.
Two things leap out at me immediately.

1.) One of my primary complaints living in a primarily Hispanic neighborhood is the very lack of patriotism and love toward this country. You will almost never see an American flag displayed. Mexican flags are ubiquitous.

2.) Does anybody else catch a faint whiff of craven cowardice in this missive? "We'd better make these criminals happy or they might do something bad." Here's a thought, why don't we pretend we have a set and tell them to get the hell out?!

Accomodating criminals is something that will never, ever sit right with me. For God's sake people, either we're a sovereign nation who has the right to decide who comes and who doesn't. I say we are, but only by the skin of our teeth these days. How about we change that?

It's time to stop caring what criminals want. What they want is never good for this nation.

Oh, and how about we stop acting like craven ninnies?

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