Freedom Folks

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cheap Labor?

Source: businesswire
Democrats Trying to Hide Half-Billion Dollars for Illegal Immigrant Healthcare in State Budget, States Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Who Demands Removal Before Budget Vote
SACRAMENTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 12, 2006--Assemblyman Chuck DeVore is demanding that legislative Democrats remove a $500 million budget allocation for illegal immigrant healthcare from the proposed state budget. This Saturday during the Legislative Budget Conference Committee meeting, Democrats expanded the Healthy Families program to cover illegal immigrants and families of four with annual incomes of about $53,000.

"At a time when California has billions of dollars in debt, the last thing our state should be doing is increasing healthcare entitlements for illegal immigrants," explained Assemblyman DeVore. "Whatever government subsidizes, it gets more of -- we should not increase the incentives to illegally come to California."
Tell me again how illegal immigration is all about cheap labor. Illegal immigration is the most expensive labor on the planet, and in so many heinous ways.

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