Freedom Folks

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Are We Having Fun Yet?

This article deals with the woefully unreported Muslim riots in France.

While no one claimed responsibility for this *wink* I'd wager an educated guess.

Nice to see jurisprudence taking hold in the barbary. Let me see if I understand..he's guilty cuz he's got a little thatch?

I wonder if Dubya is aware it takes two to tango?

Of course the PM has the audacity to come here and explain to us why we need to be more understanding of the savages, don't you know.

Our State dept., heads proudly planted up their little tushies & enabling mini-Hitlers.

We end our round-up here. Scroll down for photos.

No, really, scroll down goddamit! This is the face of Islam. Take note, I didn't say radical or fascist or hijacked. This is it, ugly isn't it?

No, please Mr. & Mrs. appeaser do tell about Christianities terrible history. remind me that all religions must have their growing pains. Maybe if you try hard enough you can work in an oblique reference to the Crusades.

These stories are the tip of the iceberg. I could have filled a couple of blogs with nothing but links to Islamic violence from this week alone, but I'm sure you'll agree that the last one is the capper.
It has literally kept me up all night. As I'm writing this at 5:13 in the AM the sun seems to be hiding from the pure evil of this act. All I can imagine this morning is the news story that this happened in Kansas or Chicago, or that someone blew up a bus or a train or an open air market here in the States.

One other thought creeps in on slippered feet. Why does our government resist doing the one thing that would decrease the threat of this happening here. The one thing that is guaranteed to lessen the likelihood of an event like this ever happening.

Fixing the border and Visa situation would make us safer overnight. Unlike the secret identity of those who beheaded those poor girls (black robed men -- say, why does that sound familiar? I'm sure it'll come to me) this isn't a mystery. Sealing the border and removing those who overstay on Visas would have stopped 9-11 in its tracks, Same with the original WTC bombing.

I don't think we face a bigger issue in the upcoming elections, nothing is bigger than safety. Which is why we'll be running a weekly feature called 'Pimpin 4'. These will be a series of articles on candidates who have made immigration enforcement their number one issue.

If you can stand to read one more thing -- This individual would most likely disagree with me about this but, you know what? Seeing as he doesn't allow comments on his blog or provide an email address, I think I can safely say he can kiss my ass. Oh, for extra credit and giggles check out his profile under favorite books (hee-hee)

Remember those pictures. Hold them close to your heart and remember, this is the true face of the enemy.

Linked @ The Political teen (Thanks Ian!)
And maybe at Stop The ACLU
And of course bad mama Cao
Let's not forget the good folks @ Mudville Gazette
MMMM...Bacon Bits!
The ever naughty Basil
As a fellow feline employee: Conservative Cat

Islamic terror