Freedom Folks

Friday, November 18, 2005

AP: Stinkin' It Up Again!

I just had the misfortune of reading this.

In this AP article Liz Sidoti manages to cover herself in glory as she regurgitates Democrat talking points.

Money graf --

The GOP leadership decided to act little more than 24 hours after Rep. Jack Murtha, a hawkish Democrat with close ties to the military, said the time had come to pull out the troops. By forcing the issue to a vote, Republicans placed many Democrats in a politically unappealing position -- whether to side with Murtha and expose themselves to attacks from the White House and congressional Republicans, or whether to oppose him and risk angering the voters that polls show want an end to the conflict.

Whew! What a relief. No bias there, no sir.

Those poor, poor treasonous, snake in the grass Democrats. Hoist on their own lying petard. Because as we all know -- Everybodies against the war...right?

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi had no immediate reaction to the planned vote.

Sure she did. It's just not fit to print in a family publication, not that this is a family publication, but you understand.

A day after his comments, a U.S. field commander in Iraq countered the position of the usually pro-military congressman. "Here on the ground, our job is not done," said Col. James Brown, commander of the 56th Brigade Combat Team, when asked about Murtha's comments during a weekly briefing that American field commanders routinely give to Pentagon reporters.

Speaking from a U.S. logistics base at Balad, north of Baghdad, two days
before his scheduled return to Texas, Brown said: "We have to finish the job
that we began here. It's important for the security of this

Jean Schmidt of Ohio relayed this message from a Marine Colonel In Iraq.

“Cowards cut and run, Marines never do.”

Damn straight pal, Semper Fi!

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