Ted Kennedy: Open McMouth, Insert McFoot
I just checked out this crazy video of Ted Kennedy over at The Political Teen (Thanks, as always, Ian, for filling our television-free home with video bilge, as Jake likes to call it!).
Allow me to break it down...

I'm Ted Kennedy, and I'm here to do a McInterview.

That's Tim Russert, and believe me, I can take him! No McProblem!

What's this? A McStatement about the Iraq war? A statement made by John Kerry?

Oh, McCrap!

Oh, I'm in deep McShit now!

I'll have to McThink a way out of this.

I can't believe that McBastard Russert ambushed me like this! I can't believe that McBastard Kerry SAID this!

WAIT! I know! I'll just remind them that I McVoted against the war. That there was plenty of McEvidence to vote against the war.

What's that? What about my Democrat McFriends? McScrew them! They're on their McOwn!
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