Freedom Folks

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

US Not A Relief Valve

It's true. In this article from the Garden State we learn that whenever another countries economy tanks it's our problem.

Oh, that's not what it says of course but, isn't that the reality?

Here's the money graf in my humble opinion --

Finally, a moonlit boat ride brought them into the U.S.
Aware of the DHS' "catch and release" policy, they went directly to the offices
of the U.S. Border Patrol and turned themselves in. "We all wanted to get
caught," he said.

Mind you, these folks sold a house for 30g to pay their coyote and the myriad bribes it takes to get here. And when they arrive they turn themselves in to the INS, knowing full well they have nothign to fear.

Is this not the definition of insanity?

My second favorite graf --

Another man asked the group to pray for his wife, who was
making the dangerous desert crossing that claims hundreds of lives every year.
Someone else asked the group to pray for a pregnant friend preparing to wade
across the Rio Grande.
"Eight months' pregnant and she walked across the
river and then she showed up at our door here," Moacir said, his voice
quavering. "I can't even tell these stories, it's so heartbreaking."

Moacir is the local padre and a shining example of why his ilk cannot be entrusted with a matter of this gravity. Yes, he's being compassionate, but I think he's also being dumb. Perhaps their was a time when Ministers understood the balance between sacred and social, god's law and mans', but, I think that day may have passed.

After the ACLU, pastors have shaped up to be the most wildly soft-headed when it comes to these matters. These people aren't suffering because America is so mean. Their suffering because their attempting something ILLEGAL and ILLEGAL things are not supposed to be pleasant or easy.

We shouldn't put water in the desert. We shouldn't have laws we won't enforce.

As the current crop of laws that we have no intention of enforcing wend their way through Congress, I just wonder.

What if instead being enablers and allowing these corrupt governments to go on their merry way, we said no and forced them to deal with their unhappy populations.

Just a thought.