Freedom Folks

Saturday, December 24, 2005

America Struck by Plague of Locusts

Wikipedia elaborates on the insect locust thusly:

Locust is the name given to the swarming phase of short-horned grasshoppers of the family Acrididae. The origins and apparent extinction of certain species of locust—some of which reach 6 inches (15 cm) in length—are unclear.

There are species that can breed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory. They form bands as nymphs and swarms as adults both of which travel great distances during which they can strip fields rapidly and in so doing greatly damage crop yields. An exacerbating factor in the damage to crops caused by locusts is their ability to adapt to eating almost any food plant.

Now allow me to elaborate on the human locust which has descended on America:

Locust is the name I have given to the swarming phase of illegal immigrants. The origins of the species are varied but clear.

There are species that can breed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory. They form swarms as adults and travel great distances during which they can strip citizens of jobs and in so doing greatly damage citizen welfare. An exacerbating factor in the damage to citizens caused by locusts is their ability to take almost any employment sector and drive down wages so greedy business owners and the politicians who love them can claim they are jobs that Americans don't want.

A plague is "a widespread affliction or calamity" according to

We've got one.