Freedom Folks

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Roundup

Geeya! Welcome pardner, this here's a cattle drive of the best longhorned posts from across the big sky blogosphere.

Mosey up and sit a spell. No spittin' please.

Tanker Brothers bring us a great story of a grateful citizen showing appreciation to our troops.

The Uncooperative Blogger explains in simple language his plan to secure the border.

Euphoric reality chats with joshua Sparling!

Cao's blog brings us a cautionary tale, PG-13 style!

'Evil Media Guy' Don Surber wades into the muck and mire of holiday parodies. He does it for you folks, all for you.

Marathon Pundit unearths the truth about grinches.

Bill Baar bares all (sadly SFW and nosy aunts)

Mr. Right has a final thought.

Did you'all grow up in a barn? You'all can straighten up a bit on your way out, oh...

Merry Christmas!