Freedom Folks

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Guest In My Home

We hear claims that immigrants are somehow bad for the economy – even though this economy could not function without them. Pres. Bush SOTU

And we must have a rational, humane guest worker program that rejects amnesty … allows temporary jobs for people who seek them legally … and reduces smuggling and crime at the border. Pres. Bush SOTU

No guest is so welcome in a friend's house that he will not become a nuisance after three days.
Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BC - 184 BC), Miles Gloriosus

A guest is like rain: when he lingers on, he becomes a nuisance.
Yiddish Proverb

In his state of the union address last night President Bush again called for a guest worker program. Like some species of madness the president continues to alienate his base on this issue.

But let's take a minute today to think about what a guest is. Traditionally a guest is someone you welcome into your home. This is usually, though not exclusively, someone you know and care enough about to invite them into your and your families space. Certainly, on occasion we welcome perfect strangers, though we ask them to respect our homes and if they don't we kick them out.

So the president would like to invite all twenty million illegal aliens currently in our country to be guests. I mean, when we say "guest worker" program that's what we're saying right?

So who are these guests that the president has so graciously welcomed into our shared home? Well, many truly are good people, hard working and honest. They love their families and I'm sure they generally follow the law.

Here's the problem though, I don't know who these people are and neither does president Bush. I would assume just as certainly that there are also very bad people mixed into the hard working mass. Drug runners, gang bangers, maybe even terrorists. Yet our president insists we welcome these folks into our house. And make no mistake, America is our house. This land is our land, the same way your house is your home, or would be if not for Kelo.

Here's what we do know though, the majority of these folks came here illegally. As better than I have said, given the chioces in Mexico I would probably do the same. That doesn't make it right or even okay in my book. So no matter what, these "guests" first act in our shared home was to enter illegally, stay illegally, drive illegally, work illegally, and these are the folks we refer to as honest and hardworking, not criminals.

Of course, some are criminals, which ones? Well, who knows? nobody checked them at the door, we don't have a bouncer to check ID's at the door like the worst dive in town would.

Ultimately of course the definition of a guest is someone who leaves. They don't live in your house forever. How hard will it be to get guests to leave after six years? pretty tough I'll wager. yet the president insists that we welcome these folks into our home.

Should we?

I say no, I think we should welcome a certain number of immigrants who wish to come here and partake of our unique country and culture. To those who demand to come here and enjoy the bounty of this great land without giving back of your heart to this country that welcomed you, all I can say is...

A guest is like rain: when he lingers on, he becomes a nuisance.

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