Freedom Folks

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Harry Belafonte: Jackass Round The World

In Caracas, Belafonte Calls Bush Terrorist
CARACAS, Venezuela Jan 8, 2006 — The American singer and activist Harry Belafonte called President Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world" on Sunday and said millions of Americans support the socialist revolution of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. (snip)

"No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we're here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people … support your revolution," Belafonte told Chavez during the broadcast.

Isn't it nice when those who've made their millions in the US suddenly decide capitalism is evil?

Just stopped by Michelle Malkin's, was reminded that Belafonte is a commie lovin' asshat! Do us a favor Harry, Piss off! I hate Commie lovin' asshats!

h/t The Political Teen