Freedom Folks

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Quote of the Day

"Our primary responsibility as the federal government is not to ensure a bottom line for corporate America." -- Tom Tancredo
You said it, Tom.

Tancredo and Bay Buchanan were in Arizona as part of their Secure America Now tour, with a goal of stronger border security and rejection of the president's guest worker program.

Better border security? Who ISN'T for that, besides drug cartels, illegal aliens, terrorists, greedy American companies, and let's not forget the Mexican government. Anyone who is legally in this country and isn't seeking to profit from those who are not would be an absolute idiot NOT to want better border security.

And as far as the guest worker program that the president (along with some other politicians, the restaurant industry, the construction industry, the Catholic church, Hispanic/Latino organizations, etc.) is pushing, who in their right mind thinks that it will actually work and that it ISN'T an amnesty program in disguise?

Can anyone honestly tell me that if we give 11 million-ish people who have already broken one or more of our laws a get-out-of-jail-free card, and permission to stay and work for 6 years, that they are going to pick up and go home at the end of that time? Come on! They are going to keep doing what they've been doing since they first came here ILLEGALLY: they are going to get drivers' licenses, have children (who will enter our educational system) buy homes, and put down roots in communities across the country.

And I'll tell you someone else who is out of his mind: anyone who actually believes that our government is going to enforce those people and their families returning to their home countries at the end of their "guest worker" stay. I can hear the outcry now...

But they're already here! They just want to work! They'd have to uproot their families. It's anti-immigrant!

Sound familiar?

Not to mention the fact that, in a country founded on law and order but, in my humble opinion, increasingly soft in that department, you don't reward people for ILLEGAL activity. During the sentencing phase of a convicted pedophile, do you send him to jail and keep him away from children, or do you give him a couple of 10-year-olds for 6 years and tell him he'll have to stop abusing them when the 6 years are up?

Increase border security. No amnesty.

Works for me.