Freedom Folks

Monday, February 13, 2006


It is oh so sweet when a sell-out gets his come-uppance. At the very least gets called in public what he really, really is.

Citing section 1-4.3 of the Rules of the Georgia State Senate dealing with conflict of interest, I am hereby requesting that the senator from the 36th district, Sam Zamarripa, be prohibited from voting on any pending or future legislation regarding illegal immigration in the current legislative session.

It is a matter of public record that senator Zamarripa is a founding partner of a Georgia – based, federally chartered bank, United Americas Bank [aka Banco Unido], where he also holds the position of Director of Marketing.

It is also a matter of public record that United Americas Bank is currently active in soliciting and accepting business from, and making mortgage loans to, persons it and Senator Zamarrpia know to be present in the United States illegally.

United States Code, Title 8, section 1324 is clear on the fact that harboring or encouraging an illegal alien to remain in the U.S. is a federal crime. Further, the same federal code includes language that increases penalties for doing so with the intent to profit commercially.

I am sure that any reasonable person would agree that extending a mortgage loan to anyone represents encouragement to remain in our state and nation. “Harboring” includes any conduct that tends to substantially help an illegal alien to remain in the United States in violation of existing law. [ U.S. v Kim, 193 F.3d 567, 574, (2nd Cir. 1999); U.S. v Pong Sub Shin, No 98-1142,1999 U.S. App.LEXIS 902 (2d Cir. unpub. 1999) ]

The senator from the 36th has a vested financial interest in the operations and profits of United Americas Bank and because of its practice of doing business with known illegal aliens, a resulting financial interest in their continued presence in Georgia and the United States.

It is my contention that this association represents a conflict of interest regarding any and all legislation that may be considered in the Georgia Senate aimed at people who; employ or transport an illegal alien, have illegally overstayed an entry visa, entered our nation illegally, obtained employment here illegally, or been able to remain here illegally due to the unwillingness of our government to locate and remove them.
Oh snap!

I love you D.A. King!

Read it all here.

H/T The Lonewacko