Freedom Folks

Monday, March 27, 2006

Liberals And The Law...

They can't do it, they just can't. Asking a progressive to be tough on crime is like asking a little kid to guard your candy.

Source: Huffington Post

Here is Jamie Court's prescription for illegal immigration...(for the sake of my liberal friends I'm going to use the word progressive)
Pure criminalization of immigration, especially along the border with Mexico, will only make the trip more dangerous--not less likely. Immigrants would remain further in the shadows, subject to increased employer abuse and even lower pay. Those who get here will never go home again, as immigrants once did with regularity, because of the cost in dollars and risk to make the return. Therefore we agree with President Bush that a guest worker program is necessary. But it must be accompanied by stronger labor rights for both the newly legal workers and the people born here or naturalized who feel themselves slipping out of the middle class.

Employers of these immigrants must be required to fund their health care, whether they provide it directly or not. That would increase the availability of health care for the rest of the labor force. On that point, Mexico's government has offered to discuss some sharing of the immigrant health care burden and other social costs Guest workers must be protected under applicable U.S. Labor laws, and have access to workers compensation programs. This is not coddling immigrants, but forcing corporations and individuals to face up to the true costs of illegal labor. Once that is calculated, U.S. workers will regain their competitive ability, while guest workers will be able to cross the border to visit family. In many cases they will build a new life at home with their savings, perhaps providing jobs that slow the impetus for migration.

U.S. foreign aid focused on job development in Mexico, with strict anticorruption restrictions, will be greatly increased.

The law today is broken. What Congressional Republicans are proposing so far is worse. President Bush's corporate-friendly guest worker program is better, but still a Trojan Horse. We will develop the concepts above into a legislative proposal before the end of the week and hit the road to explain to Red and Blue America alike that immigration is something that can be handled to the benefit of workers on both sides of the border.
Let's examine this, shall we?

Para 1, how about enforcing the law on employers instead of giving criminal aliens MORE rights in this country? I don't think the solution is to pretend these are 'kinda' citizens, they're not. They are aliens who have no rights in this country, until you can be enough of a man to admit that you are hardly worth the bother. Guest worker programs have a history of fraud, corruption and abuse. So by all means let's give it another try, you progressive pricks just can't get enough slaves can you?

Para 2, Fund the health care for illegal aliens? Um, how about not hiring them in the first place? How about we enforce the law for the first time since 1953, or don't you know your history? That's right boys and girls, we have not even tried to enforce our immigration laws with any kind of seriousness since 1953, so when Ted Kennedy blathers on about "20 billion dollars on dogs, fences and herbal enemas." Just remember, we haven't even tried since before a lot of us were born.

Para 3, How about we stop pretending Mexico is anything other than a banana republic ruled by a delightful combination of a billionaire class oligarchy (kleptocracy) and drug cartels. They are every bit as much a "Partner in peace" to us as Hamas is for Israel. It's simply insulting to act as if they will ever be part of the solution, they are and will remain part of the problem. The solution to this is unilateral.

Para 4, Actually the law is just fine, we merely need to enforce it. Please come to middle America and explain to us how a flood of low skilled, low paid workers benefit us, please, we're stupid and we need a person of your compassion and wisdom to help the economic dildo ram home properly, you know us folks in flyover country aren't down with these sophisticated ideers of y'all.

Tell ya what we do know though, the free market. We understand that when you flood this country it benefits precisely one class. The ruling class, so please save the "help the Mexican worker" claptrap. I would be hardpressed to care less about the Mexican worker, really, I care about American workers and as far as I'm concerned that's the right attitude.

Mexico has their very own country to run as well or poorly as they wish. We need to stop acting as a relief valve for the combination of corrupt politicians and drug lords in Mexico who are more than happy with the current status quo ante and the corrupt businessmen in the US who wish to have access to cheap foreign labor either on American soil or abroad who then presume to sell us these goods.

It's just wrong and it needs to stop...NOW!!

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