Freedom Folks

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

When Stupid People Blog...

It's officially beat up bloggers night @ Freedom Folks! Pop some pop corn, cue up some really nasty heavy metal music and off we go...

Source: Spot-On
I am no immigration policy expert. I read Marc Cooper and think he's right. And I think the White Boy politics of guys like Mickey Kaus and Bill Bradley is sadly misplaced. I live in California; it doesn't bother me that I will soon live in a country that is not predominantly white or European. I figure if folks really believe all that stuff about the U.S. Constitution being a flexible document and democracy an enduring philosophy that can withstand tremendous social and economic change as well as sustained criticism, then well, we're gonna be okay as a country and as a society. It's the faith in the document, not the paper, that binds us as a society and when people peacefully exercise their right to free assembly, they've clearly gotten the memo. Too bad Mickey and Bill are still reading the English-only version.
No, no your not. I'm not concerned about the white or European part either, I am concerned about the whole "loyalty to a foreign power" part though. Being a progressive that loathes this country I get that wouldn't bother you, does me though.

Also, the whole "peacefully exercise their right to free assembly" thing? Yeah, that's for citizens. Again I realize you are logic challenged due to your political orientation, sorry about that, but they don't actually have that right. it's reserved for...citizens, yeah, just can't say that one enough.

Ummm, the constitution is actually pretty inflexible, supposed to be, cuz you know that whole "nation of laws" thing. Never mind I sense I went right over your head there, sorry about that. You'll just have to trust me on this, it's not actually a living breathing document. More like a fairly rigid set of rules from which liberty spring, then, when chuckleheads like yourself get a hold of it, yeah, not a good thing.

One final thought on demographics. We, and by that I mean the sane folks, more commonly referred to as the "grown ups" wouldn't have minded an opportunity to have a little say on who got to board the lifeboat. Not that we don't think a fifth of Mexico moving here en masse was just peachy, gosh, we sure do!

But, I actually believe in the whole diversity thing, you know, I live in a big city, I eat Hummus and General Tso's chicken at "ethnic" restaurants. Cuz here's the thing that clearly hasn't penetrated that sucking would between your ears, when a whole chunk of another country move here it lessens diversity. Oh, you don't do big words, here, I'll type slowly...

When a lot of pinche bendahos move here all at once it's like eating a burrito bigger than your head, a little hard to swallow!

Please do me a favor and if at all possible return to your BDS as soon as possible, we'll all be happier.

Thank you!

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