Freedom Folks

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When Stupid People Comment...

I don't understand people like yourselves. It makes me sick to think that there are people who are willing to ruin the lives of millions of people. You know what I think it is? I think it is a bad case of racism. Don't think it is. People of different cultures? Could they also not like Mexicans because of an experience. I haven't had a lot of good experiences with white folk but you know what I and everyone human being do? We move on. Can't get that job because a "dirty spick" took it from you? Maybe it was because the were qualified and you weren't? Tough cookies. Life is hard. As for the protest that happened in Chicago a while back and someone of your group stated "I don’t care if there’s three million people out there, if they are illegal they do not have a voice in America," then what the hell happened to free speech? Did it die in someones back yard? I think i might have an idea where it died. It died when Bush and his administration came into office. Everything America's forefathers died for is dying. I don't know about you but I personally do not like to be afraid about being a Mexican American. Why should be afraid if I AM a US Citizen? Because of pricks like the minutemen who would like to see racial cleansing again.