Freedom Folks

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Super Secret Minutemen Meeting!

Tht's my excuse for the light posting today. We attended a hush-hush Minutemen meeting in a small town near Rockford today. It featured the Police Chief W. Garrett Chamberlain, the famous, or infamous depending on whether you are a patriot or a scumbag, law enforcement officer who charged nine illegal aliens with trespassing in Ipswich, New Hampshire.

And Sheriff Beck (I believe! MJ has the notes!), both of these patriots are experimenting with new local approaches to dealing with the problems of illegal immigration. Both men gave passionate presentations, I was impressed and heartened to see these Davids standing up to the uncaring Goliath Washington has become.

I was furthermore heartened to see over a hundred outstanding Americans give up a Saturday afternoon and take a stand for their country. Having been involved with the Minutemen for a little over a year now I can say confidently that the gran marches truly set something off in the American heartland. People are righteously pissed, and it does this crusty old curmudgeon's heart good to see it.

I have video and audio that I should be posting in the near future.

We also got lost/and or had bad directions the better part of the day (sigh). It took us over five hours to -- hit a Wal-mart, eat and drive about a hundred miles. It were truly a long day and I'm bushed!
