Freedom Folks

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Evangelical Hispanics: Not Just Racist Anymore

Nope, now they support lawlessness and anarchy! Just like Jesus did! Wait, no he didn't!

Source: msnbc
Evangelical Hispanics turning away from GOP
Once-promising alliance fractures over immigration crackdown
WASHINGTON - House Republicans knew that leaders of liberal Hispanic organizations would castigate them for passing hard-edged legislation last December calling for 700 miles of new fencing on the U.S.-Mexican border and for elevating illegal immigration to a felony and making it a permanent disqualifier for American citizenship. What they didn't foresee was that the Rev. Luis Cortes Jr., one of the most prominent Hispanic evangelicals to support President Bush's re-election, would turn against their party.

The 48-year-old Baptist minister heads Esperanza USA, which bills itself as the nation's largest Hispanic faith-based community- development organization. It controls Nueva Esperanza (Spanish for "new hope"), a Philadelphia-based network of social services, including a charter high school, a community college, and a $28 million economic development program.

After the 2000 election, Bush's political team was determined to boost the president's support among Latino voters and correctly saw evangelical Hispanics -- nearly one-fifth of the Hispanic population -- as especially promising. Cortes became a focus of that strategy.

In 2004, the Bush administration's courtship paid off. Cortes, who had backed Ralph Nader in 2000, endorsed Bush. And on Election Day, Bush's share of the Hispanic vote rose from 31 percent to at least 40 -- with virtually all of the increase coming not from Catholics but from Protestant evangelicals like Cortes. After the election, Cortes told The New York Times, "I'm not red, and I'm not blue. I'm brown. You want an endorsement? Give us a check, and you can take a picture of us accepting it. Because then you've done something for brown."
For Brown? Is this guy for real? I can think of a couple of other "brown" things, like the crap this cat is spewing. Oh, and all he needs to do is add the color white to his little palette there and we can deduce one other home truth. Along with not being red or blue he's also not an American.
But now, House Republicans' hard-line stands on immigration are clearly jeopardizing their party's gains among Hispanic evangelicals. Over the past year, in a shift frightening to GOP operatives, Cortes has become an outspoken critic of the House Republican leadership, warning of a massive exodus of Latinos from the GOP. "The Far Right is using rhetoric to frame [immigration] in a manner that convinces the majority of Americans that the only alternative is to hunt down and punish these 'drug-dealing people,' " Cortes told National Journal. Republican House leaders "have gone too far, a sign that they are desperate and have no true agenda for our country. They should be ashamed, and as a person of faith I have to believe that this will backfire, as it is clearly an act of cowardice."
Whew! What a relief, and here I thought there was going to be lots of hysteria and crazy talk.
The Bush administration and the Republican National Committee have sought to assuage the fears of their Latino supporters, but key Hispanic conservatives aren't sounding mollified. As he left a recent meeting of the RNC, the Rev. Miguel Rivera, president of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders, an outspoken advocate of the Right's social agenda, and a Bush loyalist, declared, "I pray for the soul of the Republican Party."
Gee, that's nice. I wonder if hombre jack ass here has ever bothered to crack the good book, methinks -- not! I personally have always found it repugant when clergy put politics before god, I really do. A man of the cloth cannot pimp for both man and god, can't do it, no way no how. And when they do they always end up sounding as ridiculous as these guys do.

So thanks guys, for continuing to prove with your every retarded utterance that perhaps Hispanics cannot be trusted in this country, that perhaps Hispanics cannot see past the color "brown" to being American citizens.

Allow me a weasel word here. I know amazingly patriotic Americans of Hispanic descent. I furthermore know that they are just as angry and frustrated by these bloviating boobs, but I am just about fed up with this crap. Does the "Hispanic Community" (whatever the hell that might be) have anything else on it's mind other than ripping the hinges off our immigration policy, or is that about it?

Yeah, that's what I thought, that's pretty much it, isn't it? You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Some of you were invited in some of you broke in, but now that your here you're going to make damn sure to do as much damage as possible to this great land, aren't you?

Just in case I haven't made myself perfectly, crystal clear, you all make me sick and I'm ashamed that you are able to call yourselves Americans. It cheapens the word.

You know what I see here? A "brown" Jesse Jackson, truly a proud moment for Hispanics everywhere, no really.

H/T Pam's House Blend

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