Bill Richardson: Loves Cock...?

Source: Free New Mexican
Not that Bill Richardson makes a habit of seeking Martin Chávez’s political advice— but last week, the Albuquerque mayor made a point about politics our governor would do well to heed.And this reconquista jack-ass thinks he's in the running for POTUS?
A national candidate for president needs to know where he stands. And that’s as true for big issues such aswhether the United States must go towar or a smaller, yet character-defining debate on whether cockfighting should be banned.
Chávez’s point to Richardson was simple. For a presidential candidate, support for cockfighting is a deal-buster — nomatter that cockfighting has deep roots in our state and plenty of important politicians who still back the custom.
No, a candidate for president must be against cockfighting.
Obviously, the issue of cockfighting — a “sport” in which roosters fight to the death while grown men bet on which chicken will win— isn’t up there on the scale of what really matters.
Voters, we’re sure, will be more worried about a candidate’s stance on the war in Iraq, stopping nuclear proliferation, developing a sane energy policy or helping the uninsured.
But cockfighting is just the type of small issue to take the wind out of a candidate’s sails. Worse for Richardson, when asked in the past about cockfighting, he answered that he hadn’t made up his mind about the blood sport.
A presidential-level candidate shouldn’t have to think twice to announce forcefully that breeding chickens to fight and die isn’t a good idea. And a governor with as much clout as Richardson could have pushed a cockfighting ban through the Legislature— if he really wanted one.
Richardson’s uncharacteristically lame answer got him noticed on the Tonight Show, where host Jay Leno spoofed the governor, saying: “New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson says he’s undecided about cockfighting, which is not banned in New Mexico. He says there are good arguments on both sides. Really?
“What’s the good argument for cockfighting? It keeps roosters off the street?
It gives those roosters without any skills a chance to make it?” Unless Richardson makes sure New Mexico bans cockfighting next legislative session (that’s assuming he wins reelection and remains governor), he’ll be answering a lot of questions in Iowa and New Hampshire about why cockfighting is a good thing.
H/T immigration watchdog
Technorati Tags: bill richardson, potus?, cockfighting, new mexico, your next president, democrats, heh,
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