Show Prep 090806: Latino Issues?
Welcome To America -- Now Speak English!!
Comin at'cha live from the occupied heart of mid-western Atzlan from 1-4 Central time.
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Washington "immigration rights" rally, a bust
In the shadows?
Ralph Peters: Dhimmi nutbag? Shrinkwrapped has the RX, and of course there's this.
Immigration backlash?
Calderon: suck eet up stupid gringos
National Latino Congreso
Here's an issue, latinos
Oh, and lookie here, with details
A new approach, to lawlessness?
Evangelicals: Jesus luvs criminals
And as always...
Your moment of Atzlan
Illegal immigration news
Jake's blog pick O'the week: Common Sense America
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, wide awakes radio, war radio, welcome to america -- now speak english
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